This week is all about REGRET.. I've been thinking about it like almost everyday.. naturally, regret always come after.. it NEVER come before.. there are so much things I literally regret.. and I guess some of them will remain so forever... BUT i am very sure there are some of 'em I can still fix it.. so yeah! hopefully it'll turn out EXCELLENCE.. Anywayss.. talk about regret, everybody will make mistakes and then realize it and in the end REGRET IT.. So Regret is one of the most common thing that happen in our life.. I'm 100% sure that everybody in this world at some point will feel it.. For me regret is the most uncomfortable feeling I ever feel.. It's like you can feel it every minutes while knowing there's nothing you can do about it already.. It's KILLING! BIG TIME! I rather feel a broken heart because a guy cheat on me.. like seriously.. it's more curable..but to cure REGRET, there are only 3 things, keep moving forward, be better, and forget about it.. and those 3 are tough deal!.. easy to say yet SO NOT easy to do!..
Holding on to your regret could be a serious disaster for your life and future.. So please people, whoever you are, do not give up your life because of the mistake you made, if you screwed up once doesn't mean you will remain screwed up for your entire life, there are still time to fix it and there's always a second chance to be better..
Holding on to your regret could be a serious disaster for your life and future.. So please people, whoever you are, do not give up your life because of the mistake you made, if you screwed up once doesn't mean you will remain screwed up for your entire life, there are still time to fix it and there's always a second chance to be better..
Life is all about risks and it requires you to jump. Don't be a person who has to look back and wonder what they would have or could have had. No one waits forever.
"Every wrong decision is in fact a correct decision but taken at a wrong time so my friends don't regret... don't stop... keep walking ahead."
Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have."
last words.. don't be scare to make a mistake but it would be better if we prevent ourselves from making a mistake..
have a good day !
love and peace! =)